What is an ISMS?
An Information Security Management System (ISMS for short) is in principle nothing more than a set-up of procedures and rules within an enterprise in order to ensure information security (not only IT security!) to define, control, maintain and continuously improve. This is called a so-called PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act), i.e. a classic quality management approach. For this reason, a possible expression can be found in the international standard.
The aim of information security management is to achieve and maintain an adequate, economically justifiable level of information security of a company or authority!
The tasks of an ISMS officer
- The Information Security Officer is the main contact person on the subject of information security
- He is responsible for all necessary activities for the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the ISMS
- In particular, it coordinates the development of risk analyses and IS-concepts, the introduction of necessary processes (e.g. the handling of security incidents) as well as the awareness and training of employees.
- It reviews the implementation and effectiveness of IS-measures and -processes
- It conducts regular internal reviews and coordinates external audits
- He reports to the management the status of the ISMS
- It ensures the implementation of improvement measures due to identified weaknesses
Procedure of an ISMS introduction
Phase 1: Definition
- Get management support
- Define the scope of application
- Build/define security> organization - name ISB
- Create a security line
- Perform threat and vulnerability analysis
- Identify and evaluate risks
- Define immediate> measures - Create SOA

Phase 2: Implementing and Operating
- Formulate and implement risk treatment plan
- Implement security measures (create security policies and security concepts)
- Develop methods for assessing the effectiveness of the measures
- Implementing measures: training and awareness-raising
Management of operations and resources
- Detection and response to security incidents
Phase 3: Monitor and check
- Regularly review the effectiveness of the ISMS - Conduct internal ISMS audits and management reviews Carrying out monitoring procedures - Check the effectiveness of compliance with safety requirements (through the safety measures) - Capture and assess residual risks and risk levels in the event of changes
Phase 4: Maintaining and Improving
Implement identified improvements Implement corrective and preventive measures Communicate results and actions Analyzing the effectiveness of corrective and preventive measures
Our offer for you
- Execution of so-called CAP analyses based on DIN ISO/IEC 27001 or VdS 3473
- Building an ISMS
- Implement a risk analysis process
- Support in conducting risk analyses
- Support in the creation of policies, concepts and instructions
- Support in process design; pdCA process in the sense of continuous improvement (CIP)
- Support until certification
Our expert is your

Andreas Bethke is a computer scientist, accredited technical expert for several data protection seals and certified information security officer. Helping companies to improve data security is his mission. In addition to the necessary legal knowledge and computer science know-how, he also has competences in project management and coaching. This allows it to successfully manage the impact on systems, processes, and the organization. Andreas Bethke is distinguished by extensive experience in the field of data protection and data security and has been supporting companies in the introduction of ISMS according to DIN ISO/IEC 27001 for many years. He exudes confidence and is known for his pragmatism. His goal is always to bring the meaning of information security closer to all involved and to generate a bit of enthusiasm for the topic.
Andreas Bethke, born 1970
Diploma in Computer Science (focus on software technology)
Certified information security officer based on ISO 27001 and BSI Basic Protection
DSIAG Certified Data Protection Auditor
Technical expert for ePrivacyseal
EuroPriSe TECHNICAL Expert
Technical Expert for EuroPriSe Website Certification
Certified Scrum Master
ILP© Therapist/Coach
Was a recognised expert for IT products (technically) from 2002 to 2018 at the Independent State Centre for Data Protection Schleswig-Holstein.
Areas of activity
Preparation of expert opinions for IT products and IT procedures
Execution of audits in the field of data protection and data security and ISMS
Creation and auditing of IT security concepts, data protection concepts, IT infrastructures, etc. in data centers of medium-sized companies
Worked as an external data protection officer
Advice and coaching of in-house data protection officers
Support for the introduction of ISMS according to DIN ISO IEC 27001 and VDS 3473
Worked as an external information security officer in accordance with ISO IEC 27001 and BSI Basic Protection